Sunday 18 February 2024

28mm Ancient Greek Army - part 5 - Skirmishers and light troops


Morning All

Following on from the cavalry I can now deliver the Greek light troops and the skirmish units (peltasts and bows). These are all Victrix plastic and metal Warlord figures. There are a few Foundry cretan bows mixed in.

If unaware Victrix sell reinforcement packs of bows and slingers.

For previous post in this series head HERE

I have yet to decide on the numbers in each unit but at the moment I can field - 34 bases of bows, 34 bases of slingers and 25 bases of light troops. The Bows and slingers are mounted two to a base whereas the light foot are three to a base. This helps to differentiate them from the heavy infantry.

The bows and slingers have all been given mixed colour tunics (browns, whites, blues and sandy colours)

The light troops however are all dressed in white with plain black shields.

In total there are about 200 figures here which represents a ratio of about 1:5 when compared to the 1000 hoplites. Not sure if this is right yet.

Up next the full army takes to the parade ground....which you can now see HERE


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Impressive troops en masse. Looking forward to seeing the whole army.

  3. As me, impressive lot. Rare to see so many lights so well done.

  4. That's a lot! Fantastic looking lights.
