Morning Folks
Since I left you I have when time has permitted been cracking on with the refurbishment of the new shed /games room. Since I left you last the Kitchen is now virtually finished (see part 3 HERE) and aside from handles that need to be fiited its almost good to go.
My focus in the last three weeks has been on getting the interior decorated, window frames painted and sorting out some exterior damage.
Pictures below show the progress on the left side of the main room
Below - untouched

Below - new lights fitted, ceilings and walls painted
Below - Believe it or not the room is now decorated - so much stuff to sort !
The good news is that all the ghastly painting is now done and attention last week turned to the new floor. I was able to source a new laminate floor from Selco for £7.99 per square metre and with almost 50 square metres to cover this still came in quite expensive. A massive thanks to my ex neighbour Mark for all his help on this one. We managed to get the floor laid in a day !!
Below - starting the job...
Almost half way
Job can also see the window frames are finished in picture
Now that the floor is done I can get on with the exciting stuff - building the games tables !!
Another £450 timber arrived on Friday and stored in the garage.
It was time to assemble this new toy - things should be much quicker than a hand saw
With a couple of hours free on Monday the first table rolls off the assembly line...
The tops are repurposed doors from the annex we are living in cut down to 6ft in length.
There are going to be six of the these tables giving me the options of a 5ft x 18ft table or a 6ft x 15ft table. Of course I can always extend further in width/length with the use of extra boards. These are all mounted on casters as per my previous tables.
The plan is to store all my terrain under these and put all the figures into some new custom cupboards (to be designed and built)
With a bit of luck the tables should be complete this week and then the games can start !!
Catch up soon
Next post is HERE