Sunday 20 August 2023

Herding Cats - a response from Dan @ Wargames Illustrated

A few weeks ago I invited Dan Falconbridge of Wargames Illustrated, Andy Callan of Billhooks fame, Nick Eyre of Northstar Games & Richard Lloyd, Captain Blood and painter extraordinaire to a weekend big Billhooks game - the post of the game can be found HERE..

For those interested from left - Eric the Shed, Captain Blood, Mark F (my longstanding wargames partner), Andy Callan, Nick Eyre...

The game was based on a what if scenario called the Battle of Pontefract

I have now just discovered that Dan posted his own take of the weekend on the Wargames Illustrated Blog. The link to his article can be found HERE . Dan has been extremely complementary about the game and the Shed Wars hospitality. Thank you Sir !

Pictures courtesy of Wargames Illustrated...

Friday 18 August 2023

More Normans

Currently I am focussing on increasing the number of figures in my existing collections rather than starting any new projects. A few weeks ago I won an auction on ebay for some plastic Conquest Normans.

Delighted to report that another 40+ horse, 5 command stands abd 40 more foot have joined the 'Bastard's Army'

 These took about two weeks to turn around.

At some point the Normans will appear on the table in the full force.

More soon

Wednesday 16 August 2023

An update of recent games

Morning All

July was a strange old month here - the weather has been pretty awful with rain most days and the temperatures barely creeping above 20 degrees - very unseasonal BUT very welcome. Its meant that I have been able to spend a great deal of time managing our new estate without suffering the affects of heatstroke ;-)

This does mean that wargaming activities have been limited to the regular monday night gaming sessions and very little has been done to either the new shed or adding more forces to my completed armies. Saying that a few new units have been completed.

The following pictures highlight a few games that have taken place in the Shed over the last couple of months...

Refight of Arsuf - this time with over 1000 figures on the table ! 

A Napoloeonic Peninsular Battle

And a Rome versus Rome Game...sadly only one picture

More soon