Sunday 23 February 2014

CAVALIER 2014 - Some Photos

 Managed to drag the family down to Kent this morning on the promise of Sunday lunch in Tunbridge Wells. It also meant that I got the chance to drop into the show being held in Tonbridge for an hour - Cavalier

The following are a few photos of the games on display. It was a rather disappointing trip as my purchases were somewhat limited . Very little in the way of 28mm stuff !

Did manage to pick up one Copplestone Armoured Rolls Royce for my VBCW project. More on this in another post.

So here are the photos...

The Trade Stands

The Games Room

Saga - Crusader Style

Big Ancients Bsattle

Nice Walled City !

SYW Battle in Winter

Loads of Tanks so its got to be flames of war

1914 - Belgium

Massive table =- about 30 figures?

All the Germans stuck at the bridge

GW of course

Really nice participation game - bombing Berlin - look out for the hun in the sun

Another big ancients battle

Muskets & Tomahawks

Until next time

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Shed Wars Terrain Directory -

This blog page will be the link to all my terrain builds - Ill update this every so often so if you are looking for inspiration or just want to have a browse hopefully something will pique your interest.

So if for example you are interested in palm trees just click on the link.

Some of my builds have been described in multiple posts and at the end of each post should be a link to the next if this is the case (hope this is clear).

As mentioned above I’ll return to this post and update it as and when a new build has been created, you can save this link to your favourites and come back again and again and see how it grows....


28mm Pulp Submarine

Building Egyptian Ruins
Building a Modular Tomb/Dungeon
Building the 1930’s Docks
Movement Trays
Building a Static Grass Applicator
Rocky Outcrops from Aquarium Rocks
Building a Railway Cutting
Building the Volcano
Pulp Tramp Steamer Build
A desert Well
Desert Boards & Rocky Escarpments
Desert Greenery
1930’s English Garage
A Rope Bridge
A memorial garden
An English Manor House
Armoured Train
Church 28mm
28mm Scale MDF Buildings – Dolls House Suppliers
An English Pub
Gates & Stiles
Road Signs for 1930s England
Egyptian Temple
Clump Foliage DIY
An English Railway Station
Stone Bridges
Railway Crossing
Telegraph Poles
Siege weapons
English Village
28mm Trains & tracks
Rocky Outcrops
Tarmac Roads
Market Stalls
Medieval City
Castle Moat
Wheat Fields
Norman Castle
Wooden Bridge
Wattle Fences
Palm Trees 1
Palm Trees 2
Fortified Priory
Ocean boards
18th Century Carriage
Pirate Island
Pirate Ships
Spanish Chapel
Adobe Town
Pirate Fort 1
Pirate Fort 2
Rivers & Streams
Big Rivers & Waterfalls
Crop Fields
Logpiles & Barricades
A Wooden Fort (French Indian Wars)
Log Cabins
Jungle Terrain
Mad Max Cars