A Bridge to Farncombe
The BUF is steadily making advances south down the Old
Portsmouth road – its strategy is two fold.
Firstly it wants to sever the supply links from the Anglican
leagues heartland in the East and their forces in the west, and secondly, it
wants to try to wrestle control of Portsmouth from the Communists. By spitting
the Anglican leagues forces in two it aims to deliver the knock out blow
and force the renegades to the negotiating table. Pivotal in this plan are the
southern rail links, specifically the London Portsmouth line.
The Village and river crossings at Farncombe (looking from BUF point of attack) |
The top half of a PMC medieval building - makes a nice bungalow - bunker to the right |
The bridge across the river Wey |
Down towards the crossroads |
Our scenario takes place in near the village of Farncombe,
near Godalming surrey. The Village lies aside the river Wey and two key bridges
cross at this point.
The BUF mission is simple - take the bridges and
secure a bridgehead on the South side of the river. The BUF can expect some
stiff resistance from local Anglican League volunteers troops.
The BUF forces have pushed forward in some strength along
the Northern Road in tow columns.. Last night the commander on the ground sent
a flanking force to the East. These are expected to join the battle at some
point in time to the East on the other side of the river.
Looking from the North East |
The river crossings |
Leading your line are elements of the Mosley Armoured
Brigade – two light tankettes and an old antiquated tank called Big Boris – it
is apparent that Boris is not going to be able to cross the bridge nor can he
scale the rail embankment. He is merely there for fire support.
Supporting the armour are 3 six men squads (regular troops)
– two of these are supported with Light Machine Guns
A further command unit under the leadership of Captain Percy
Winterbottom are available. This Command group consists of Captain
Winterbottom, his banner bearer, a medic (nurse Chapel), and an HMG
Two further six men sections under the command of Lieutenant
Parker will arrive on the Eastern road from turn 3 (roll d6 – on a 5-6
they appear at beginning of turn – add+1 to die roll thereafter.)
All the Infantry squads have their own vehicles
A total of 47 men, two tankettes and a tank – 10 units
The crossroads - scene of the fiercest fighting |
My embankments finally make it onto the table |
The Anglican Forces opposing the BUF have for sometime
expected the BUF to attack Farncombe and have made ready the defence of the
In defence the Anglican League can call upon the following
An advanced party of scouts in the small hamlet of on
the Northside of the bridge – 1 rifle squads + hmg, a Rolls Royce armoured car – under
the command of Reverend Peters
On the Southside under the command of the Bishop of
4 rifle squads (two with LMGs)
1 HMG & Mortar + Bishop (all sited in the command
A tank Reinforcements arriving from the Village Road from turn 1 (6+)
A total of 37 men, 1 armoured car and a tank
The village of Farncombe - the Leagues tank winds through the narrow streets |
Anglican troops climb up on the embankment |
The Anglican armoured car pushes forward to support the troops on the North side of the river |
The HMG and Mortar open up on the advancing BUF forces in the North East |
The second BUF party advance on the North East road |
The Anglican HMG claims the first casualty |
The Anglican defensive line |
The BUF dismount from their vehicles and begin the assault on the bunker |
Big Bertha trundles forward |
A firefight breaks out on the embankment |
The League forces take up defensive positions on the far side of the bank - their tank rumbles forward |
The BUF pour fire into the Bunker |
The Anglican Tank squeezes across the bridge |
The BUF in the East unleash a torrent of lead onto the soldiers hiding on the embankment |
A vicious fire fight erupts in the road tunnel - the BUF victors |
The Anglican forces panic - FUBAR and open up on their own men |
The BUF seize the initiative in the East pinning an HMG on the embankment |
With the Leagues Infantry disposed of the BUF swarm forward |
The mortar opens up on Big Bertha - lucky shot knocks out the tank (2 sixes in a row) |
As Big Bertha smokes away...The BUF vainly try to storm the Anglican tank |
The BUF forces skulking in the woods move forward - they are spotted by the mortar and an entire squad is virtually wiped out |
At this point it became obvious that the BUF were never going to get across the road bridge - the railline crossing was in their hands but the Tank on the roadbridge was virtually impervious to fire.
A draw was called.
Great game, fought in good spirits...onto the next game