Friday 16 November 2018

More Progress on the Dark Age Project

It seems like I have been painting these figures for ages and still a long way to go before the Norman & Saxon Armies are finished.

This week my friend Mark came over to help base the 400+ figures that had been finished since my last posting. At the moment the bases just have a combo of dark chocolate paint and sand mix on them. eventually they will all get dry brushed and grassed.

This gave us the perfect opportunity to showcase the progress so far...

First up the Normans - these guys still need some Archers and a few more foot

My favourite the Norman Horse - 100 riders !

And here we have the Saxons - screened in front by some skimishers

These guys need some more peasant infantry, a few horse and some archers of their own..

I estimate that another 300 figures to go and this project will be complete...wish me luck


  1. Very impressive progress not sure how you get time to eat 😀

  2. Good to see this project coming together :)

  3. Amazing, don't know how you do it, those numbers would take me 18 months at least. I have an unreasonable dislike of Normans, come on Harold.

  4. Really great looking armies. I’m loving this project. 😀

  5. As ever you are really churning these out!

  6. Congratulations on churning these out! Our own dark age project has stalled, and we only have 200 miniatures to paint! Recently getting remotivated to continue. Keeping it simple. Base coat and dip for rank and file with more detail on characters
