Thursday 8 June 2017

Napoleonic Project Part 9 - Chasseurs a Cheval

Hiya Folks

Hot on the heels of my French Cuirassiers are the Light Cavalry - the Chasseurs a Cheval

If you missed the Cuirassier post you can find it here

For some strange reason (OK - I got carried away on ebay) I have ended up with three regiments of these (each regiment 12 strong) - but it does give me some flexibility in the troops available for our games.

All three regiments are from Warlord Games - I was actually two figures short post ebay purchases so a couple of spare bodies from the British light dragoon set got roped in and painted up as best I could to look French (they did get the right french shako - so that certainly helps from a distance.

To date I have painted French Dragoons and the Curassiers. The plan is also to paint up one lancer unit and a Hussar regiment. These new three regiments will bring the total to seven. I'll probably add one more dragoon unit when funds permit to bolster the heavy cavalry division.

Whilst researching these units I discovered a wonderful article on the Warlord Games website and if you are looking to add these boys to your french army it is a must read

Now I read this article a couple of times but did not refer to it during the painting phase !!

I should have done because my riders are all painted wrongly  - rather than fiving them solid green jackets with the appropriate coloured piping I painted their chest panels in the facing colour. I did consider repainting but in the end thought it would be unnecessary.

Onto the pictures....

Orange Facings

Blue Facings

Scarlet Facings

Almost All present - one has gone missing??

Dressing the lines

More very soon
part 10 can be found here


  1. hope you find that deserter!

  2. Impressive and beautiful...

  3. Absolutely amazing how fast and yet beautifully you paint these masses of figures...
    I would need a lifetime to paint this many...

  4. How much time do you spend painting a week? I'm only allowed to paint for an hour or two a week or the Old Bat starts nagging about jobs that need doing! Chasseurs are lovely!

  5. Great stuff as always...impressive commitment 😀

  6. They look amazing! I'm slowly working through just a handful of samurai, this level of output defies belief! How do you manage it??

  7. Impressive and beautiful...


  8. They look great, I've got two units primed, I wish I hadn't removed the support from under the metal command horse because instead of rearing up he now looks like he's crawling along !
    Best Iain


  9. Absolutely amazing how fast and yet beautifully you paint these masses of figures...



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