Saturday 1 October 2016

28mm Pulp Submarine

Sometime ago I built a tramp steamer for my pulp games and and at the time thought it might be fun to build a pulp submarine. But I didn't until now.

So with BLAM '16 rapidly approaching and the potential need for a submarine I set about the task. This was going to be crude, a bit crazy and fun. Believe it or not this is first piece of terrain I have built in almost six months ! Well with the shed finished there's a lot more ideas to follow this one.

I forgot to take some early photos of the build but will try and explain in words.

First up I cut a hardboard base for the shape of the waterline model. Its about 50cm long. You can see that the waist of the boat is wider in the middle for the floatation tanks?

The hull was then made from shaped pink foam stuck to the base board with 'Hard as Nails adhesive. The floatation tanks were off cuts from some framing timer I had knocking around and to get the rounded shape I used balls of greenstuff.

Onto the conning tower - this is just some simple wood dowel (about 3cm wide) and a slab of timber behind. I then wrapped around a piece of plastic card. The periscope tube is a piece of junk plastic.

The ladders are some old 10mm siege ladders from Kallistra and railings are just simple 5mm mesh

The deck has built up using some timber moldings. Again fixed with glue.

Finally the hatches are 25mm washers with tiddlywinks counters stuck on top

The Sub has then been given a complete paint job in black. Quite please with the result so far.

and then a grey basecoat

finally given a wash with brown ink and then highlighted with light grey. To finish off I painted a dark hull line around the base of the ship.

I mentioned that this was to complement my pulp steamer so it only seemed appropriate to put the two together...if interested in seeing the build of the steamer head here...

More soon...


  1. looks good to me! would like to see it in the flesh so to speak,when is blam 16? as live in tolworth

    1. BLAM Is live this weekend at the Berrylands pub Friday, Saturday & Sunday - its all booked up and invitation only through the LAF (but you can always pop in to say hello and have a gander)

      The Sub appears on Saturday !

    2. this weekend? today,the 1st

    3. No next weekend - games start around nine and wrap up around six - then onto the drinking !

  2. That is lovely. I can't be alone in thinking of a certain archaeologist when I see a tramp steamer and sub together. :D

  3. The world needs more PULP submarines

  4. Great submarine, looks really good alongside the tramp steamer

  5. That's brilliant, awesome stuff

  6. That is a fine piece of work Eric!

  7. A great bit of work Eric well done.

  8. Nice scratch build, conning tower came out particularly well nice use of tiddlywinks counters
    Best Iain

  9. theres a real U boat in the Hogsmill , one not a stones throw from your house :-)

  10. Excellent work! Now we wait to see it in action!
