Friday 22 July 2016

Colonial Wars - Zulu part 4

Hi Folks

In my last update I mentioned that the Zulu Army was going to be 400+ figures strong and that to get to this number I needed another box of the Warlord Games starter sets.

part 3 here

This was ordered off ebay for the princely sum of £59.00 and two days later it has arrived. I was surprised to see that I had bought from Caliver so well done folks for your great service.

So since I posted last these additions have been assembled, the bases have been gritted and I can now proudly report that so far 360 Zulu Warriors have been painted ! Yes that is right 360 Zulus have been painted, dipped and varnished. Its about time I showed you the full force.

12 Regiments stretches the best part of 6 feet

100's of them....

Different Shield for each unit

As you can see from the pictures below of the first unit I painted they are not brilliant but en masse they look fantastic. Each regiment (30 figures) has a different shield facing.

Not the best paint job but they will do

Over the next few days I'll finish painting up my ceremonial unit (the guys call have headresses) and paint up the Indunas (Leaders) which were sourced from Black Tree Designs and the freebies that came with the big Zulu War Army boxes. These will all be mounted on 80mm discs from Warbases.

Ceremonial Unit in Progress

Once these are finished I'll focus on the bases and movement trays...

As of today the 360 Zulus you can see has taken just under 4 weeks to complete - who says a horde can't be rapidly produced.


  1. "Zulus, Sah! Farsands of them!"

    That's quite the collection - will the thin red line be able to withstand them? :)

    1. At the moment the thin red line is very doesn't exist

  2. Quick question - are any of them armed with rifles? Some were picked up from dead Brits at Isandhlawana while most were purchased from traders. This si a superior project - good on you!!

    1. Each regiment has 30 figures - 2 lots of 12 on bases and one unit of six. All the sixes are armed with a motley of muskets and rifles.

  3. What an achievement, well done sir!

  4. Impressive! I look forward to seeing them in action.

  5. Wonderful. I have ten 36 figure regiments completed plus some extras. They do look fantastic en masse. As an aside - I love your dining table!

    1. Thank you - its actually our Kitchen table. Sadly we lost the Dining Room when the kids needed their own TV room.
      My folks bought this 7ft Pine beast for us when we got married - 20 years ago. In that time it has seen family life evolve and the majority of my painting

  6. By gum, Mr Shed, but that really is going some!

  7. Wow. I am doing well to paint 90-100 figures in a year, much less in a week, as you have averaged! Very impressive!
