Thursday 26 September 2013

The Keep ; Tales of Shedwood part 3 .

Finally managed to put work aside and crack on with the Keep build. Delighted to report that I finished it this evening...

When I left you last the castle ha just received its coat of black paint...we'll pick up from here...

BUT if you missed the start of this build head over to this link The Keep Part 1

Dont worry there is a link to bring you all the way back here...

So the Keep has now been coated in mars black acrylic (for those of you starting out terrain building buy good acrylic paint from artshops - it last forever and is so much cheaper than small pots from the likes of GW)

The base has been given a coat of burned umber (brown)  

First dry coat of grey goes not interested this time !

second coat of grey 

third coat of grey - don't worry there are not 50 shades of grey ...or should I say 50 sheds of grey...

Final dry brush coat of titanium white

At this point I forgot to take any more pictures but I treated the base with a couple of dry brushes and then liberally added the static grass. Finally the Keep moved into the Shed..

From the front...

From the side

The Keep entrances including stairway - the doors are from the GW fortress range

From the rear

This weekend I intend to reset Nottingham and work out how to do the base found for the city - please do come back and see the keep in in its proper context

Thanks for reading



  1. This is really quite a work of art, Sir. Well done.

  2. Really impressive, i would love to have one! (if i had the space to store it)

  3. Wow. That looks fantastic. I can't wait to see it in one of your game reports.

  4. That came out very well! Best, Simon

  5. good work, looking forward to setting fire to it :)

    1. I had thought you might be a good candidate for the sheriff of Nottingham so why would you want to burn down your own keep?

  6. super castle, nice work

    -- Allan
