Sunday 6 January 2013

Pirate Island - more progress

With little time to spare over the Christmas break I used what was available to crack on with Pirate Island. There have been some moments when I wish I had never started this project - sticking thousands of card tiles to the pirate fort was one such moment. But in the end I think it looks much better.

With no help from the little shed people this was a task that took four nights to complete. I reckon about eight hopurs of work. The last card tile was a momentous event !

Once the tiles were dry the whole fort was drybrushed grey (in two greys) the rock base was given a similar treatment.

You can just see that the inside has been drybrushed yellow (sand affect) and that the doors have still to be painted.

And from another angle...

It was at this moment I realised that the gaming table/work surface was getting a bit crowded....

More chaos...

So after a big clearup I laid out the work completed so far...its coming together slowly..

Quite pleased with the impact so far....

The fort and harbour complex

And here are a some photos of pirates in their new land...

on the beach...the water looks great in these shots

On the walls

And in the harbour

Finally I gave the fort a good dosing of greenery. I used a dry mix of clump foliage, static grass, and flock.

As an experiment I am very happy with the results. Lets hope that it sticks. Scenic cement will be sprayed on to hold the final cover.

Another shot

My son got a new digital camera for Xmas so he wanted me to add these...I think they are rather good.

To carry on this journey click here:


  1. That looks really good. I am still tempted to make one of my own now!

  2. Wonderfully modeled. A treasure to surely be guarded!

  3. Looks good... my son has some Black Scorpion pirates somewhere which we used with Legends of the High Seas ages ago. Must dig them out again.

  4. Aaaaahhaarrrrrr matie.... That looks chuffing marvellous great work mate!

  5. Great project and well done with the results so far....very inspiring!
