Tuesday 12 February 2013

Pirate Ships - A question of scale

As mentioned in earlier posts I have been looking to build my pirate fleet and a number of like minded souls have mentioned that toy ships are the way to go...

so off to Ebay and £10 later I have ordered the Black Pearl Pirate playset...

imagine to my surprise when this big beastie turned up....

it is somewhat bigger than the the Ainsty Man o War. So sadly this will not be used...however the sails and other bits can be...

However I did manage to source another little Pirate ship which with a bit of conversion might be ideal for a small sloop.

More to come soon....


  1. I have two smaller toys ships awaiting conversion; the smaller one you obtained looks quite suitable. The Black Pearl Pirate ship is a whopper - I saw one at a car boot sale and was glad I hadn't ordered one - as you say the masts sails and other bits are useable

    other possible are playmobil (5135) pirate ship and Mega Bloks Set #1066 Pirates of the Caribbean The Black Pearl Pirate Ship - these need some conversion OK if you pick up second hand - I have used two similar ships

    Megabloks ship converted:

    Ships in action (the pirate ship is an old Plyamobil one converted):

    --- Allan

    1. Hi Allan

      Many thanks for your comment - and the superb advice. Been to your bog and your ships look brill. Now signed up as a follower.

      Best wishes

