Tuesday 19 May 2015

Railway Cutting & some more Hills

Following on from my last hill build (see link below) I decided that these were definitely the way to go to give my battle field some undulations and reduce the 'flatness' of my displays.


So in this thread I'll talk about the build of my latest addition the railway cutting, which can also be cunningly used as a gorge and also a rod cutting. Nothing beats multi-purpose

I started off with another 9mm thick 50 x 50 board and laid out two hills pieces with a gap running down the middle. This needed to be wide enough for both my railway track pieces and my road sections and the cork escarpments running alongside.

The polystyrene was then shaped to create the slopes

Cork pieces were then glued alongside the flat cliffs using really strong interior adhesive .

A quick check that the railway still fits...

The polystyrene was then covered in filler. Quick tip - by the powder stuff its mucjh much cheaper and you can builf it up to the consistency you want.

Since I had made up a lot of filler I quickly rushed out a couple more hills. Note only make the amount of filler you need.

The cliffs are then given a good coat of black paint. They are going to be grey eventually so they blend in with all the other stone features of my temperate battleground stuff.

Then I painted the whole thing brown umber for the base.

Finally add the static grass. By luck I discovered most of my boards appear to match up with a spring mix green.

Once the grass was dry I could drybrush the cliffs in the cutting

The finished result can either have a road

or a railway line

Oh...and that hill - fortunately I had enough static grass to finish off that as well.

Until next time


  1. I have seen the speckled insulation board in Wickes, how well does it cut up?

    1. Its just like normal polystyrene - the stuff you get in packaging. Its cheap but very brittle - hence the cover of filler & paint

  2. Finely executed addition to the scenery pile Mr Shed!

  3. Looks excellent...ideal for train ambushes!

  4. Very nice!
    You do some great builds here and the WIPs always have some great tips - thanks!

  5. I was admiring that hill last night. The perfect compromise between naturalism and function!
