Monday 2 December 2013

Stalling for time - Nottingham Market

First up a big apology for so few posts recently. Things have been manic over the last few weeks and what with the colder weather I have got very little done in the shed.
I have however finished the market for Nottingham. Originally intended to build my own and you can see from the picture below Id even made a start on the basic frames.
However this was going to take too long and a chance discovery at Warfare in Reading found the following stalls from SHQ miniatures. A link can be found at the end of the blog.


So the Market stalls sit proudly in the town square...but it all still looks a little bare...

So a few trade goods were added...again it all looks a bit empty...what do we need people..!!

The following photos were taken with the camera phone and if anything they are better for close ups than my Nikon

what you see here are about 25% of my medieval city civilians - more will be posted soon

The Stalls were purchased from  these guys for £5 each...

SHQ Miniatures

I could only get one at the show but they posted the other three immediately after the show and they arrived four days later.


  1. Beautiful! This is really impressive, great colors too!

  2. Great imagination, and ability to pull the project all together for a fine looking town center.
