
Saturday 1 September 2018

Latest Update from the Shed

Well that's August gone and done for another year and I can only say sorry for the lack of posts last month. Work has been hectic and not a lot other than a couple of games has been squeezed in.

On the positive front I have started my Dark Ages project more of which will follow when I get back from my holiday in a couple of weeks time.

I have also been selected as an umpire for the Great Game replayed - this is is a recreation of the battle of Waterloo in 28mm using Black Powder. Its all happening up in Glasgow next year and you can read more about it here 

Here are a few pictures from our last VBCW game and I will see you all in a couple of weeks time

more soon...

1 comment:

  1. As ever a fabulous looking game. Enjoy your holiday!
