
Monday 7 November 2016

Once more unto the Breach....

A few weeks back whilst playing Pike & Shotte we decided it might be a bit of fun to play an ECW siege game afterall I built these a few months back and up til now they have been sitting idly around

More on the gun emplacements can be found here...

As far as shed standards are concerned I have been very lazy with regards to town and castle walls as I have been using the Games Workshop set. Over the years I have three of these and have during my time used them for all genres...

GW Castle set as Nottingham Castle in Robin Hood (and my own Norman Keep)

The ECW period would be no different but I would need some sections in the walls that are breached - so one of the walls would get cut up to create two breach sections.

Here we have one standard wall section sitting between two towers...

The Walls are splits apart and then cut (combination of hack saw and heavy duty stanley knife) into two sections ....and then cut again - creating four small wall sections

A base of hardboard was then measured and cut on which to sit the breach

The wall sections then glued to the hardboard...

Using polystyrene the breached walls are then built up...

and you can see below that the there will be two breaches from one wall section

Once the polystrene was fixed in place with adhesive I covered it with polyfilla creating a solid exterior in each breach. This also had the additional benefit of strengthening the plastic walls to the bases.

I'll be adding the broken masonry next...

come back soon

part two can be found here


  1. Look forward to seeing the result, I'd be too scared of breaking up these expensive walls. Looking good so far
