

Updated October 2020

Many moons ago (around 1977) I was introduced by a local friend to the joys of wargaming. At first we were limited to the old WW2 and Napoleonics Airfix ranges. As things moved forward we widened our remit to Lance (?) a medieval game and to the WRG Modern ruleset.

I was very fortunate, my parents in their wisdom decided that a large shed/den at the end of the garden was the answer to getting me and my brother out of the house when our mates came round. The shed was an old school classroom (very cold in the winter) but more than suited our purposes. In the middle stood a cantilevered table that was 6ft wide and about 10ft in length. It saw plenty of action !

During this time I used to mix my wargaming with roleplaying and for almost 10 years we played every Wednesday night and Sunday Afternoon. Life couldn’t be better.

Work, Family and everything else saw my hobby take a break for about 10 years. In 2000 I re-ignited the fire and joined a group playing down in Farnborough. Five years later I installed a games shed in my own garden, painted 1000's of figures and built tables of terrain.

In 15 years the Shed has grown in size through three extensions to cope with my burgeoning collection of wargames paraphenalia. This includes a sizeable amount of home built terrain, copious amounts of figures and an increasingly large collection of boardgames.

I count myself incredibly lucky that this hobby has given me hours of joy and a group of friends that I would never made had I not thrown myself into this leisure activity. I am also blessed by an understanding wife and two kids that have allowed Dad his indulgences. 

My wargaming collection has grown substantially in the last few years as I have refocussed my efforts on grand scale games across a wide variety of periods and genres. 

Today I can field large 28mm games across Ancients, Medievals, English Civil War, Napoleonics and Britain's colonial past. In addition I have numerous smaller scale games across the French Indian Wars, VBCW, Pulp and Post Apocalyptic Sci Fi.

This Blog serves as a recent history of my attempts to bring the hobby to a wider audience, a diary of Shed events and an opportunity to meet and find new players.  

Pictures of the Original Shed

The Shed today: